7 thoughts on “Author interview no.29 with writer, poet and lyricist Nathan Weaver

  1. Nathan Weaver says:

    One thing I neglected to mention is that I’m very seriously considering launching some digital download stuff very soon. Will consist of longer shorts and novellas. So something worth downloading and taking with you on your reader or phone. This would be a self-published endeavor and will be interesting to see how I like it… or not.

    But oober excited to get the freshman book of ‘Hardboil High’ pulled together and start harassing agents and such.


  2. morgenbailey says:

    Yay! This sounds like perfect content for an article… when the self-pub “digital download stuff” is ready will you write me a few words (say up to 1000) on your experiences for a ‘guest post’? 🙂


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