17 thoughts on “Author interview no.36 with novelist and reviewer Erastes

  1. Chara says:

    I just read an excerpt from Muffled Drum and it sounds wonderful. Did you enjoy this writing about men in uniform? Did it present any different challenges or problems from your other character settings?


    • Erastes says:

      i absolutely love men in uniform, Chara! I’m a real sucker for buttons and frogging and all that. There was a major problem with this era because every unit wore a different uniform, so I have fudged over that a bit…Thank you for popping in!


  2. JL Merrow says:

    Very interested in what you said about agents, Erastes – you often hear they’re not needed in the m/m genre.
    And I’d love to see one of your novels filmed! 😀


    • Erastes says:

      Well, it’s probably not a popular opinion but us Brits, particuarly are in a bit of a difficult situation–the uk market isn’t geared up for romance, specially not gay romance, and the uk pubisher scene is still very literature based–so i think that it will take a brave agent in the uk to say they will do m/m – even if they are all putting glbt on their profiles, I don’t reckon they mean it – unless it’s Worthy.

      oo yes. so would I. I long, long for Standish the movie.

      Thank you for commenting!


    • morgenbailey says:

      Hello. I could be really picky and say my name’s spelled with an ‘e’ but I won’t because I’m too polite and it happens so often. 🙂 I agree, she’s very intriguing and so far gathered the most responses in such a short time so thank you for your two.


  3. bosomfriends says:

    Oh, I have a wuestiion for Erastes. In your experience, is there more historical fiction about gay men than lesbians? If so, why do you think that is?


  4. Erastes says:

    There definitely is, going on my experiences. I am not sure why that is–perhaps it’s because straight women prefer the male experience to two women.I’m not straight as you know, and prefer the gay fiction. Many lesbians I know too, as well as bis/trans do too. I don’t know why that is.

    also of course, to put a woman into a gay historical presents more difficulties, often she has to dress up as a man to have adventures – most women couldn’t just take off and do stuff, as they were stuck being daughters and wives.


  5. Bobbejean says:

    I actually have two questions… In your interview you mentioned that publishers/potential agents didn’t know what to do with a gay regency. Is there a difference between a historical romance and a regency romance?

    Then a personal question: Do you still write fan-fiction? I LOVE fan fiction and have really been impressed with many of the writers out there that do so much wonderful work for no pay and often little recognition. I am super thrilled that you were able to make the leap!

    I am really looking forward to reading Muffled Drum!


  6. Erastes says:

    Hi Bobbejean

    1. Well, a Regency is a specific sub genre of historical fiction, taking its cue from Pride and Prejudice and other such other books–then was made massively popular with authors such as Heyer.
    2. No, I gave up fanfiction a few years ago when my original writing career started to take off. Many many of the gay historical crowed came from fanfiction in all different fandoms such as Prince of Tennis, Sentinel, Hornblower, Harry Potter, Star Trek etc.
    Thank you – and I’ll be choosing a winner by Monday, if you don’t win it, I hope you’ll buy it anyway (so cheap!) and hope you enjoy it!


  7. Barbara Elsborg says:

    I think you managed to cover so much in that fascinating interview – you didn’t leave much room for questions!! I did wonder though – why HISTORICAL books? It’s a particular problem for guys to be gay in many periods of history – so is that why you prefer to set your stories in the past?
    On a side note, I wonder what it is about fan fiction! That was how I started too – but long before you. I still have my notebooks with the stories – hundreds of them.
    I’m currently reading one of your Goodreads suggestions – looks like I have more to add to my TBR pile.


    • Erastes says:

      Hi Barbara, Sorry–I did get carried away!
      I couldn’t write about the contemporary gay scene and many contemp books that I read don’t really strike true to me–I don’t know anything about the gay scene, and of course I couldn’t experience the homosexual man’s experience in historical eras either, but I can build a reasonable supposition from writings and diaries and court cases (sadly, one of the larger bodies of work on the subject…)
      It’s also instant conflict, because of the safety measures need to be taken, which makes it fascinating–we know that homosexuals have always existed, so how did they manage it – and why did it change from being acceptable in the ancient world, albiet under definite circumstances–to “an abomination”? Each era and each country has so much yet to be explored, and it’s a vastly untapped (ahem) genre because of that.
      There are so many new authors trying the genre now, it’s hard for me to keep up!
      Thank you for commenting!


  8. James Conroyd Martin says:

    A great interview. Kudos to both of you. I was thinking of you, Erastes, while at the Historical Novelists Conference in San Diego. (Maybe you’ll attend the one in England next year?) You would have loved it. A panel discussion including Diana Gabalon and Donald Hardy was devoted to “Writing Gay Fiction.”

    James Conroyd Martin
    Author of Push Not the River


    • Erastes says:

      Thank you, James. I feel I really have to go to the conference next year – I couldn’t go last year as 1. it was in Manchester which is HUGELY inaccessible for me from Norfolk and 2. I had a mild stroke and got double vision for five months (nearly better) but I realise that, with more and more books out now, I need to start meeting people in the genre. I did offer my services to Richard to do a gay panel, but he hasn’t taken me up on it! I know Don well (I got him published, I should get started as an agent) he didn’t mention Diana was on the panel!!

      Oh – and you are the winner of Muffled Drum – can you email me on erastes at erastes dot com and I’ll send you a copy! I hope you like.


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