3 thoughts on “Author interview no.270 with historical novelist Emma Darwin

  1. Alexa Bourne says:

    I start every manuscript with a pen and new notebook. As I get closer to completing the book, I spend more time on the computer. BUT I’m totally lost if I try to start on the computer.


  2. morgenbailey says:

    Thank you, ladies. 🙂

    Yvonne – I think it’s the difference between tell and show. Don’t tell me that Andy’s angry, show me his is by him slamming his fist on the desk.

    Alexa – isn’t it interesting how different people work. Is it novels in the main? I write shorts, and the shorter the better, so starting on a computer isn’t a problem although I’m currently favouring a Sunday morning dog walk round the park (and dinky notebook) to create mine. 🙂


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