20 thoughts on “Author interview no.295 with writer Sheryl Browne

  1. Jane says:

    Another interesting and informative interview, thanks Morgen and Sheryl.

    It is important to do research and not leave the door open for the reader to find fault. It happens to even well known authors – I have discovered inaccurate information and from that point on, the book has been ruined.

    I try my hand a comedy, not romance as in relationships, but sometimes they have a romance about them if you see what i mean. I find it easy to write, though my main genre is crime. I saw one of your other interviewees put the two together Morgen – must be a common denominator there somewhere!

    I understand how you need to write the funny side of a sometimes sad or tragic situation and that you want your reader to laugh with you Sheryl. You must be doing this extremely well given your success to date. Social Networking sites no doubt making marketing your work that much easier and hands-on. I would not have come across you otherwise.

    Wishing you lots of success and thanks again for sharing your story with us. So enjoyable to find out more about you.


  2. Sheryl Browne says:

    Thank you so much, Jane! And, yes, I do see what you mean. My own ‘thriller’ writing centres around families, the central theme/s being families in peril, which means that relationships are under threat or pressure, so there is an amount of romance in there to a degree. I wouldn’t call them romantic suspense though. A new genre?!! I doubt it. 😉 I do see that certain genres cross over though.

    And thank you, Morgen, for the fabulous interview! Sorry to arrive so late. A work day. Not strictly scheduled. Unfortunately, crisis dictated. Who would ever be self-employed?

    About those books under consideration, btw ~ all contracted now!! Tah-dah! Brilliant. Loads of editing to do, no doubt, but do you know what, I can’t wait to get back in touch with my characters!


    • morgenbailey says:

      Yay! You’re so welcome, Sheryl.

      I’m trying to get self-employed but my replacements keep quitting! 😦 Another lined up for next week… I don’t want to be irreplaceable for ever. 🙂

      M xx


  3. Nicky Wells says:

    What a terrific and detailed interview! Great questions, Morgen, I love that you go into so much depth and it feels like you two sat chatting over a cup of tea (or a glass of wine?). Fabulous feature. And Sheryl–delighted to get confirmation that the lovable Rambo of Recipe for Disaster is in fact your much loved OAP dog. Love it! Thanks for sharing all that detail, I feel like I know you even better now. Congrats, both! 🙂


      • Nicky Wells says:

        Oooooh…. am I reading this right? May I come and take part?? That would be lovely! XX Tea is fine, and hot chocolate is great, too. That’s not boring at all! X Let me know if I got the right end of the stick… 🙂


      • morgenbailey says:

        Half right, I think. Sheryl’s book signing has been and gone (last night) but there’s loads (now 296 plus Sheryl’s) interviews on the blog to read and you’d be welcome to take part in one yourself. I can send you the info. pack. Dang it, you write, I’ll send it anyway. 🙂


      • Nicky Wells says:

        Bless you! Thanks so much–I look forward to it, and apologies if I got my wires crossed. But… tee hee, if it opens, perhaps the occasional crossed wire isn’t such a bad thing! XX Have a good weekend. 🙂


  4. cheerfulchic says:

    Seems like a party going on here … and I’ve arrived a little late, but better late than never! Fun post Morgen, great questions and Sheryl is just a delight! Sell like hotcakes Sheryl!


  5. Janice says:

    Great questions and interesting answers. Congratulations on your success with ‘Recipes’ Sheryl – which is on my Kindle and I can’t wait to read it. Delighted to have discovered your fab blog, Morgen!


    • sherylbrowne says:

      It is good, isn’t it? I really do not know how Morgen fits it all in – and manages to make it all so entertaining and interesting. Just so you know, if Morgen adds ‘available to support author talks’ to her list, I’m first on that list. 🙂


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