8 thoughts on “‘To blog or not to blog, and how to do it’ by Morgen Bailey

  1. Diana Jackson says:

    Thanks for sharing. I’ve been blogging for a couple of years and have just started a new blog today, so it was good to have all this encouragement. I realised that, because my current blog’s themes are very wide that it was time I had a new one to be more specific. My advice is to be a guest blogger for a bit to find your feet and clarify your platform. Hope it goes well tonight.


  2. morgenbailey says:

    Thank you, Diana. It was great. So many people knew each other already and it was a lovely atmosphere with a packed venue.

    I hope your new blog goes well. I think it you have time it’s very sensible to have different formats as it will undoubtedly attract different audiences. And yes, absolutely, guest blogging is incredibly valuable in getting your name out there; from a host and guest point of view, and enjoyable.


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