16 thoughts on “Flash Fiction Friday 084: The Spores by JD Mader

  1. Jane Risdon says:

    Not a huge fan of this genre, but I really enjoyed this and now I am looking behind me and have goose-bumps. Good luck and I hope you sell tons. 🙂 Thanks Morgen, great choice.


    • Jane Risdon says:

      I can imagine. I have the same problem at times. I hate having to give something a genre, especially when you feel a story falls between two stalls. I had the same problem when working in music (poor Morgen is giving a huge sigh, going off to make the tea or have a stiff drink – Jane is off again), but when a band has an album and the music is original, but might have influences taken from several other acts, it is hard to pin-point the genre. Of course when marketing you need to know who to pitch to (age, sex, musical tastes etc), so the record companies wanted to know where the ‘artist,’ fitted. If you were not careful the label the decided to give could ruin your career….too pop, not hard enough, too R&B and so are you appealing to the black or white music radio stations and kids….you get my drift. A band could get labelled the next ‘Nirvana, Living Color, Muse’ or whatever, and even if untrue or not quite true, the die is cast and the press, radio and so on have a niche for the act and so the marketing and PR is all geared to that, when in actual fact it is not really any of them….they hate for you to have your own ‘unique’ niche – until someone else does it. Success or obscurity depends on the label and if the label is wrong……so I know where you are coming from. Been there and got the tee shirt…..and worried about my own work being put into a box which has the wrong label on it.


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