6 thoughts on “Results of Morgen’s 100-word competition: March 2017

  1. Andy says:

    Hmm, can’t say that I agree with your second and third choices this month. The winner was a fairly obvious conclusion. Just goes to show how subjective judging stories is…


  2. Arion Andron says:

    Aww Looks like a lot were disqualified this time. Seeing that Im one of the authors that only submitted one entry, ill take your advice of making more!


    • morgenbailey says:

      I know. It’s a real shame but it’s fair to everyone to stick by the rules. Anything that doesn’t get to the top three can be used anywhere that takes unpublished 100-word stories so always worth submitting three because even if one gets to the top three, you’d still have the other two to send off somewhere else.


  3. Angelie says:

    Sorry for the late comment, I’ve been away for a bit. I agree there need to be rules and you need to draw the line somewhere, but it’s made me a little unsure about my own entry for Norman’s Bunny. I’d like to know if I was disqualified, so I can be aware of what not to do next time.


    • morgenbailey says:

      Hello Angelie. I’m pleased to say that yours wasn’t one of the ones disqualified. It just didn’t quite make the top six. Do try again and do send three stories because you’d then have more chance of getting through the initial round.


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