BWT podcast short stories no.003

Bailey’s Writing Tips podcast ‘short stories’ episode number 003 was released today.

This is a new series tucked in between the now-monthly hints & tips and red pen critique sessions and for the first weeks will include the flash fiction that appeared on this blog as ‘Flash Fiction Fridays’.

Because they’re short and, at the moment, I have plenty of them, I read out three per fortnight and today’s were on a slightly different format where I read the first two stories: ‘On the Bridge. At eight p.m.’ (542 words) by Mia Johansson, and  ‘Curbside’ (249 words) by Kenneth Weene but then Ken read another of his stories ‘In the Army’ (513 words).


I do no critiquing, just simply reading the stories and I hope you enjoy this new format.

You can read the full transcription of these stories as well as the author biographies on the Flash Fiction Fridays page but that may spoil your enjoyment of the audio. 🙂

Thank you again for subscribing, downloading and listening to this episode. Next Monday’s episode will be red pen session no.9 – my critique of a novel extract provided by London-based Daniel Kemp.

The podcast is available via iTunesGoogle’s FeedburnerPodbean (when it catches up), Podcasters (which takes even longer) or Podcast Alley (which doesn’t list the episodes but will let you subscribe).

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