
The following are now available on Amazon (US or click here for the UK store), SmashwordsSony Reader StoreBarnes & NobleiTunes Bookstore (US or click here for the UK store) and Kobo. More details of each book can be found within the drop-down ‘Books – mine’ menu buttons.

  • The Serial Dater’s Shopping List – available for c.£2 / $3 from and Smashwords. Northampton-based technology journalist Isobel MacFarlane is set the task of creating an online dating profile then meeting 31 men in 31 days – what could possibly go wrong? You can watch the YouTube trailer here. 🙂
TO FOLLOW (in no particular order):
  • a lad-lit novella about a trainee hitman
  • a lad-lit novella about a very personal trainer
  • a mystery novella about a woman’s death – and her complicated life
  • a first-person anthology (which will include ‘Feeding the Father’ above)
  • a second-person anthology (which will include ‘The Dark Side’ above)
  • a third-person novel about a journalist and some weird but wonderful men
  • a third-person anthology about some more weird but wonderful men
  • Calendar Girls: a third-person anthology about some weird but wonderful women (which will include my crime short story April’s Fool)

…and anything else that spills out. 🙂 These are all likely to cost $0.99 (c. £0.75 / AS$1.50), certainly for the foreseeable future, and the individual short stories will be available from free to $0.99.

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