Other goodies

I’ve had a tidy-up of my rather crowded home page so have some sub-menus here:

5a.m. flashes… Archive… eNewspapersEventsFeedback… First TimesFun & GamesMarketing…  NaNoWriMo… Novel Nights In… PodcastPublishing… Quotes… ScheduleSSS… VideosWriting GroupsWriting Magazines.

It occurred to me that once the posts fall off the home page they disappear into oblivion.. well, into the archive, categories and calendar options, and unless they’re captured in pages like ‘author spotlights’, ‘blog interviews’, ‘podcasts’ or ‘useful info’ they’re harder to track down… if you know they’re there. So, me being me and feeling sorry for inanimate objects (as I’m sure many writers are because we have free reign to be weird like that) – in an almost Roald Dahl roses-sceaming fashion, I’ve created this page, and I suppose it also catalogues how far I’ve come…

If you write and would like to provide me with a writing-related item and/or take part in an interview, feel free to email me. 🙂

6 thoughts on “Other goodies

  1. Nathan Weaver says:

    You are not alone about feeling the need to draw attention to the inanimate objects that are old posts. I do this as well on my site. Of course, 90% of my posts are shorts or excerpts, but I try to find some way to draw attention to the pile of papers on the floor in the closet. I’ve been doing this on my ‘About’ page too with things that are not on my site, like interviews and such. I call it ‘Around the web’ and list links there. It’s short now, but could easily be grown.

    And thanks for the inclusion on the ‘Oh and then there’s this stuff too’ page.


  2. morgenbailey says:

    You’re very welcome. I started this page because I was filing everything else and felt sorry for the other stuff that had to be trawled through the archives to find – it also helps me no end keep track of what I’ve posted. 🙂


  3. Sean Durity says:

    Not that you really need it, but I nominated you for a Beautiful Blogger Award. I appreciate your hard work. Details and my gushing words about your site are in my latest entry.


  4. morgenbailey says:

    “Not that you really need it” I love that. I love receiving awards (not that I’ve had all that many really) and will never tire of it. It’s not an ego thing but every writer (I would hope) should get a thrill out of knowing that someone else likes what they do. Thank you, Sean. I’ve added the BBA to my https://morgenbailey.wordpress.com/me page. 🙂


    • Sean Durity says:

      It does fit better over there. I just couldn’t find that page when I came to announce the good news. I’m glad the award still has jazz for you. I am new and unpolished as a blogger. I hope to keep enthusiasm like yours and maybe match a decent percentage of your output. (I will never be as prolific.)


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