5am Flash: Indie Author Books – Non-fiction

Having seen one of my interviewees Rosanne Dingli say on a LinkedIn thread: “someone should write a blog soon about all the wonderful indie books available by very capable writers”, I challenged them to give me a <15-word synopsis for their book(s)… they are accepting the challenge and their books are appearing here. What I’m after is your name (listed within each section alphabetically by first name), your website / blog address, book title, book link (where we can buy it), genre and summary in no more than 15 words (a test of your editing skills :)). You can email me these details for up to 5 of your books (please don’t paste them into this page’s comments section). My free and $0.99-$2.99 eBooks are detailed on the Books – mine page.

Non-Fiction (including auto/biographies)

Click here for Fiction – children’s / Y.A.

Click here for Fiction – novels & novellas

Click here for Fiction – poetry

Click here for Fiction – script

Click here for Fiction – short stories (includes flash fiction)

So what I’m after is your name (listed above alphabetically by first name), your website / blog address, book title, book link (where we can buy it), genre and summary in no more than 15 words (a test of your editing skills :)). You can email me these details for up to 5 of your books (please don’t paste them into this page’s comments section). My books and free short stories are detailed on the Books – mine page. Please note: the chances are that I’ve not read the books listed on this page (much as I would like to have done) so these are therefore not personal recommendations but are, in the main, by authors who I have chatted to, interviewed or got to know… even just a little bit. 🙂 Kindle Fiction recommends a variety of eBooks and if you’ve read any eBooks you’d like to recommend then you can email suggestions to kindlesrp@gmail.com.

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See http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B008E88JN0

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You can sign up to receive these blog posts daily or weekly so you don’t miss anything. You can contact me and find me on the internetview my Books (including my debut novel!) and I also have a blog creation / maintenance service especially for, but not limited to, writers. If you like this blog, you can help me keep it running by donating and choose an optional free eBook.

For writers / readers willing to give feedback and / or writers wanting feedback, take a look at this blog’s Feedback page.

As I post an interview a day (amongst other things) I can’t unfortunately review books but I have a list of those who do, and a feature called ‘Short Story Saturdays’ where I review stories of up to 2,500 words. Alternatively if you have a short story or self-contained novel extract / short chapter (ideally up to 1000 words) that you’d like critiqued and don’t mind me posting it online in my new Red Pen Critique Sunday night posts, then do email me. I am now also looking for flash fiction (<1000 words) for Flash Fiction Fridays and poetry for Post-weekend Poetry.

Guest post: 5 Free Ways to Market Your Cozy Mystery + 1 by Kathryn Elizabeth Jones

Tonight’s guest blog post, on the topic of marketing, is brought to you by Christian and cozy mystery author and interviewee Kathryn Jones.

5 Free Ways to Market Your Cozy Mystery + 1

Cozy mysteries are a mysterious breed. They include a murder, of course, but a sort of prettied up version of the slash murder and guts variety. The murder, with all of its gory details, is not what’s important here but the drawing out of a superb investigation, by an amateur cop no less.

The interesting thing about a cozy, other than the unique writing of it, is the marketing that follows, for not all book reviewers read mysteries, and cozy’s are not for all readers.

But for those who review them and those who read them, marketing your cozy mystery in just the right way will create the interest in your book that you need and want.

According to a recent Verso survey, it was estimated that 49.2% of readers discovered books through personal recommendations, and this beat out bookstore staff recommendations, advertising, search engine results, books reviews, library visits—even blogs. What this tells me is that you have to talk about your book enough that others read it and recommend it to their friends and relatives.

  1. One of my favorite free ways to market my books is to open my mouth. That means when I’m at a restaurant, when I’m standing in line at the post office (sending yet another book off to a reviewer) when I’m at the supermarket, I speak. No, I’m not obnoxious, I just begin a conversation. A good start off point: Have you ever read a cozy mystery? If the answer is yes, you’re off to a good start. You can talk about your book. If the answer is no, you’re still off to a good start. You can share what a cozy is, and if the person still retains interest you can tell him/her about your book.
  2. Focus on mystery reviewers, even cozy mystery reviewers when seeking for reviews of your book. You want a reviewer that has reads cozies before, or at the very least a mystery. Sure, other reviewers can give excellent reviews of your book, but the cozy mystery reviewer can tap into the elements that he/she knows makes a great cozy. Try:
    1. http://www.stepbystepselfpublishing.net/reviewer-list.html
    2. http://karinafabian.com/index.php?name=content&pid=28
    3. http://www.theindieview.com/indie-reviewers/
  3. Get creative at your book signings. There’s nothing worse than going to a book signing with a bored looking author sitting behind an equally boring table. Take a look at your book. My cozy mystery, Scrambled, has scrambled eggs on the cover. So I took an old plate and wrote with permanent marker around the edge of the plate the first line of my book. (If I bake the plate in my oven for 30 minutes at 150 degrees, the writing will never fade and the plate can be eaten off of). I am also giving away free scrambled egg recipes. Yellow paper, of course.
  4. Blogs written with a cozy mystery slant. October is coming up, and with that, all that makes Halloween great. If your book is coming out near October, why not create some blogs of a more spooky nature? Are you also a short story writer? At this site alone, there are numerous ways to get the word out about your book: submit your short story to Morgen Bailey, have it critiqued, and she’ll include links to your website and books. Bailey also offers options to submit flash fictionbook listing, poetry, a spotlight, a guest blog or all of the above options if you choose.
  5. Get some interviews under your belt. These interviews could be with a mystery blog site or with a radio blog owner. Mystery blog sites are many, and radio blogs are increasing in number. Check out The Authors Show at: http://theauthorshow.com.
  6. Try some free video. I have recently discovered a fun site called animoto.com. At the site you choose music, pictures, video and text that fit into a 30 second video. The video is easy to produce and you can share it later with your social media friends. This is a great, fun way to promote your cozy for free.

Keep in mind that the above options for marketing your next cozy are free, but in your searching, paid options will become available. Decide beforehand if you’re going to pay a reviewer or a radio blog personality, or even a video site to help you market your book.

In the end, your cozy will stand out from the crowd the more creative effort you put into promoting your work, while still remaining within your budget.

That was great (especially number five, although I could be biased). Recent interviewee Patricia Rockwell publishes cozy mysteries. 🙂 Thank you, Kathryn!

Kathryn has been a published writer since 1987. She has published various newspaper stories, magazine articles, essays and short stories for teens and adults.

She is the author of A River of Stones, a young adult fiction novel dealing with divorce published in 2002, and Conquering your Goliaths—A Parable of the Five Stones, a Christian novel published in January of 2012.

One of her newest creations, a Conquering your Goliaths—Guidebook, was published in February 2012, followed by Scrambled in September 2012, is her first cozy mystery.

Kathryn graduated from the University of Utah with a B.S. in Mass Communication and a minor in Creative Writing. Her studies included work in creative writing, public relations and journalism. Recently, she has opened the doors to Idea Creations Press, a publishing services company that caters to writers and their writing, publishing and marketing needs.


If you would like to write a writing-related guest post for my blog then feel free to email me with an outline of what you would like to write about. If it’s writing-related then it’s highly likely I’d email back and say “yes please”.

The blog interviews return as normal tomorrow morning with YA novelist Saskia E. Akyil – the four hundred and ninetieth of my blog interviews with novelists, poets, short story authors, bloggers, autobiographers and more. A list of interviewees (blogged and scheduled) can be found here. If you like what you read, please do go and investigate further. And I enjoy hearing from readers of my blog; do either leave a comment on the relevant interview (the interviewees love to hear from you too!) and / or email me.

You can sign up to receive these blog posts daily or weekly so you don’t miss anything… and follow me on Twitter where each new posting is automatically announced. You can also read / download my eBooks and free eShorts at Smashwords, Sony Reader Store, Barnes & Noble, iTunes Bookstore, Kobo and Amazon, with more to follow. I have a new forum and you can follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook, like me on Facebook, connect with me on LinkedIn, find me on Tumblr, complete my website’s Contact me page or plain and simple, email me.

Unfortunately, as I post an interview a day (amongst other things) I can’t review books but I have a feature called ‘Short Story Saturdays’ where I review stories of up to 2,500 words. Alternatively if you have a short story or self-contained novel extract / short chapter (ideally up to 1000 words) that you’d like critiqued and don’t mind me reading it / talking about and critiquing it (I send you the transcription afterwards so you can use the comments or ignore them) 🙂 on my ‘Bailey’s Writing Tips’ podcast, then do email me. They are weekly episodes, usually released Monday mornings UK time, interweaving the recordings between the red pen sessions with the hints & tips episodes. I am now also looking for flash fiction (<1000 words) for Flash Fiction Fridays and poetry for Post-weekend Poetry.