Doing NaNoWrimo??

Erm, yes. I’ve signed in but am currently swamped with freelance editing work so I’ve not started writing yet (or even thought about what I’m going to do). I have a choice; finish the third of three serial killer novellas or write a children’s story based on a talking dog. I’ll let you know what I decide…

Jane Wenham-Jones

NaNoI am not doing NaNoWriMo officially, but with a book to finish, another one to start, columns piling up, hundreds of emails to answer and a for-God’s-sake-do-soon paper pile that is threatening to take over the entire room, I have my own reasons for needing to buckle down this month. If you live on your own, and don’t go out to work, what’s to stop you? But if you have a family and busy life to juggle, here are my top tips, hoiked out of Wannabe a Writer? for getting lots written in a short space of time…. Good luck! 🙂 

How to Write When There’s no Time:

  1. Think about getting up an hour earlier and write while the rest of the house is asleep.When I’m getting to the end of a book (which always takes longer than planned) I sometimes rise at four a.m. to guarantee…

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