Bailey’s Writing Tips podcast ‘short stories’ episode no.5

Bailey’s Writing Tips podcast ‘short stories’ episode number five was released today, Sunday 15th January. Part of a fortnightly series tucked in between monthly hints & tips and red pen critique sessions, I’ve been starting off the first few weeks with the flash fiction that have appeared on this blog as ‘Flash Fiction Fridays’, reading out three per fortnight. Eventually I’ll run out so should you like to submit your own feel free to email me (

This episode’s stories were ‘The Grey Stones and Leaden Cross‘ (520 words) by Issy Flamel (who also brought us ‘The Ruby Stradivarius‘ back in episode 002),  ‘Loss‘ (314 words) by yours truly, Morgen Bailey 🙂 and a 548-worder entitled ‘That old feeling‘ from regular contributor JD Mader who offered his story ‘Green‘ for the first red pen critique session (I’m looking for more of those by the way).

I wasn’t critiquing the stories in this episode but just simply reading them out and I hope you enjoy this format.

The podcast is available via iTunes, Google’s Feedburner, Podbean (when it catches up), Podcasters (which takes even longer) or Podcast Alley (which doesn’t list the episodes but will let you subscribe). Total running time this week was 12 minutes and 30 seconds.

This episode’s contributors were:

When not writing, and being mentioned on The Society of Authors website, Issy Flamel can be found hanging out on Twitter and in the depths of Radio Litopia and WriterLot where you can read equally atmospheric and haunting pieces from the minute-long ‘Cherry Blossom’ to a make-yourself-comfortable 12-minute ‘Gloriana’.

Morgen Bailey, me, is (am) a podcaster, blogger and writer of fiction and articles about writing (a new one’s coming out on Fiona Veitch Smith’s website in the next day or two). My blog is, here, and my eBooks are available on Smashwords.

J D Mader is a teacher and writer / musician based in San Francisco.  He has been fortunate enough to encounter many giving and inspiring people in his life.  He hopes to repay the debt.  And to make enough money with his writing to buy a house. You can help him buy a brick (although I think the eBook is actually cheaper!) by checking out his debut novel ‘Joe Café’ and there will be more soon. He’s done a lot for my blog so probably the easiest way is to read them all is via the ‘Contributors‘ page… just scroll down to the Js (although not too quickly in case there are some other authors you like the sound of :)).

Thank you for downloading and / or listening to this short story episode. I hope you enjoyed it and I look forward to bringing you another a fortnight. In the meantime, next Monday’s episode will likely be a hints and tips episode as I’ve run out of stories or novel extracts to red pen! So if you’d like to submit yours for consideration (or stories for these episodes) you can email me at All the links mentioned in these shows are listed on the podcast page of this blog.

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