Author Spotlight no.109 – Kimberley Payne

Complementing my daily blog interviews, today’s Author Spotlight, the one hundred and ninth, is of non-fiction devotional author and novelist Kimberley Payne.

Kimberley Payne is a former personal trainer and lover of Jesus and squats. She writes to share with others all that she’s learned about fitness and faith. Kimberley works out with other “LifterSisters” – friends who share her interest in lifting weights, love her like a sister, and provide an emotional lift when she’s feeling low.

Her novel, Tooth for Tooth, three devotionals that relate raising a family, pursuing a healthy lifestyle, and everyday experiences to building a relationship with God, as well as a workbook, Fit for Faith, that unites physical health and spiritual health through a 7-week program to lose weight and develop a deeper relationship with God. Kimberley lives in Ontario, Canada where she hikes the trails with her 2 kids and dog, leaving her husband at home to watch over the cats, fish and hamsters. She writes about family, fitness and faith.

And now from the author herself:

I am an over-40, peri-menopausal mother of two teenagers. I am happily married to a man I believe was a direct answer to a desperate prayer. I am a half-cup-full optimist who’s been blessed with a short memory.

Although not naturally blond, nor do I have blue eyes, Dutch blood runs through my veins. I love croquettes, double zout drops and Suske & Wiske. I have fond childhood memories of a close family, with three older brothers who went swimming at the YMCA on Friday nights, played card games like “Pit”, and went camping every summer.

I collect pet fur – not because I like it but rather to try to keep my house somewhat clean—with two cats, two rats, and an aging German Shepherd.

I fell in love with Jesus in 2001 and haven’t looked back. I love to pray and have had the privilege to see many answers to prayers. I read my Bible daily by following a 365-day reading plan, and love to learn about this fascinating book.

Years ago, I began a spiritual and physical health partnership with God. Each morning, I started my day with a prayer. “Dear Lord, I pray that You will remind me every day that You are at work within me and around me.” Or, “Dear God, I pray that You will instill in me a sense of responsibility to care for my body—to both nourish and sustain it.” At the end of the day, I would write in my diary about my new faith and fitness journey. I also spent time reading my Bible and seeking out scriptural truths about God’s character. I started to memorize favourite verses such as, “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13). Then I felt a God-nudge that this type of program would also help others. So I used what I had learned to create a workbook, Fit for Faith – 7 weeks to improved spiritual and physical health.

Although I write in the health & fitness arena, I don’t consider myself an athlete. As a matter of fact, I once thought of myself as more on an anti-athlete. However, I’ve since come around and have settled on recreational athlete. I don’t run but I love to walk around my neighbourhood and hike in the woods. I don’t compete in triathlons but I do enjoy a friendly game of tennis. I’m not a competitive weight lifter but I’m quite fond of strength training in my basement with a girlfriend. You can read about my journey in the anthology A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider – Words to Stimulate the Mind and Delight the Spirit. It was released this year by That’s Life! Communications. My piece is called, A Personal Makeover – Inside and Out.

I’ve struggled with self-image and weight control all my life. I’m a member of Weight Watchers and attended Overeater’s Anonymous until the meetings conflicted with my weekend addiction to garage sales.

I’m an amateur photographer — scratch that, I like to take pictures but don’t know the first thing about cameras. I’ve been around my neighbourhood numerous times taking photos of everything and anything that’ll stay still long enough for me to capture it on film. I hope to gather my favourite pictures into a coffee table book.

On my bucket-list I’ve had “write a book” alongside “learn to drive a motorcycle” and “plant a Christmas tree farm”. I’ve checked off the first one but have yet to fulfill my other two dreams. I also want to visit Israel, bike across Holland with my mom and my daughter, and tandem jump out of an airplane.

Much of my writing comes out of daily living. If I learn something new through a friend, radio program or a walk in the woods I like to share it with others. I picked up a gem of a nugget from Julia Cameron’s, The Artist’s Way. She encouraged me to write Morning Pages – that is to write three pages (long hand) each morning.  I admit I’ve lost the morning routine, but when I do write, I stick to the three pages. The first page I write about my day, things that are front and centre, anything that “pops” into my mind. The second page is usually deeper stuff, under the surface real issues. And the third page is God’s response. My faith has grown in leaps and bounds from this writing routine. I’ve collected and organized many of these devotional writings into three books: Where Life Meets Faith, Where Family Meets Faith and Where Fitness Meets Faith.

As much as I love to write, I find myself hesitant to sit down and actually do it. Some days I’d rather play on Facebook, or read other blogs, or wash the hallway walls.

You can find more about Kimberley and her writing via… her website, fitness blog, devotional blogTwitterFacebook. You can buy the book ‘Fit for Faith’ from, Smashwords and LuluThere’s also a YouTube channel.


The blog interviews will return as normal tomorrow with multi-genre author and spotlightee AJ Race – the four hundred and fifty-sixth of my blog interviews with novelists, poets, short story authors, biographers, agents, publishers and more. A list of interviewees (blogged and scheduled) can be found here. If you like what you read, please do go and investigate further. And I enjoy hearing from readers of my blog; do either leave a comment on the relevant interview (the interviewees love to hear from you too!) and / or email me.

You can sign up to receive these blog posts daily or weekly so you don’t miss anything… and follow me on Twitter where each new posting is automatically announced. You can also read / download my eBooks and free eShorts at SmashwordsSony Reader StoreBarnes & NobleiTunes BookstoreKobo and Amazon, with more to follow. I have a new forum, friend me on Facebook, like me on Facebook, connect with me on LinkedIn, find me on Tumblr, complete my website’s Contact me page or plain and simple, email me.  I also now have a new blog creation service especially for, but not limited to, writers.

Unfortunately, as I post an interview a day (amongst other things) I can’t review books but I have a feature called ‘Short Story Saturdays’ where I review stories of up to 2,500 words. Alternatively if you have a short story or self-contained novel extract / short chapter (ideally up to 1000 words) that you’d like critiqued and don’t mind me reading it / talking about and critiquing it (I send you the transcription afterwards so you can use the comments or ignore them) 🙂 on my ‘Bailey’s Writing Tips’ podcast, then do email me. They are fortnightly episodes, usually released on Sundays, interweaving the recordings between the red pen sessions with the hints & tips episodes. I am now also looking for flash fiction (<1000 words) for Flash Fiction Fridays and poetry for Post-weekend Poetry.

Author Spotlight no.84 – Barbara Ann Derksen

Complementing my daily blog interviews, today’s Author Spotlight, the eighty-fourth, is of author, speaker and photographer Barbara Ann Derksen.

Barbara Ann Derksen is a Canadian with a flair for words. She began writing 20 plus years ago, surprised herself when readers responded to what she wrote, and has been writing in one form or another ever since. She has always been an avid reader and continues to enjoy many emerging writers as well as established ones.

Barbara describes herself first as a Christian. She has been married for 43 years to singer / songwriter HC Derksen, is the mother of four gifted children, and the grandmother of nine. Barbara and her husband travel with Christian Motorcyclists Association so wearing leather and biking across country is part of her current lifestyle. She is a certified scuba diver, and a lover of all things water related.

Her books are something that readers look for each year. They flock to her tables and to the websites when a new one appears. Her recent distribution into the UK, France and Germany has opened the door for Europeans to discover what North Americans already know.

She writes adult fiction and non-fiction, as well as children’s stories, is often invited to speak to women’s groups and has even been invited to speak in Africa at a pastor’s conference.

And now from the author herself:

I love watching the expressions on my reader’s faces when they tell me what they liked about one of my books or that they had a hard time putting it down so they could go to sleep. Answering questions about my characters is a bonus. This is what keeps me writing.

My favorite genre to read and write is murder mystery. In the Wilton / Strait Mystery Series, each book completes the puzzle in my character’s life but leads into the next.

Vanished introduces my readers to the beginning of the Wilton / Strait Mystery Series, with Presumed Dead, Fear Not, and then Silence adding to the collection. In ‘Vanished’, death, fire, and kidnapping send my characters, Andrea Wilton and Brian Strait, to the country of Haiti where voodoo, restavic children, and scuba diving lead them to discover a diabolical plot that sets nerves on edge.

Besides mystery, I write devotionals. Each year, collectors approach to purchase the latest one for their own personal time with God or for church Bible study groups and small group devotions. From Straight Pipes, my first, to Chaps, the latest, my devotions take people to the place where God can touch their heart and leave a lasting impression. 2012 will see the release of the fifth about the Sermon on the Mount. I also plan to add my devotionals to Amazon Kindle for wider distribution.

I was born in Canada, but lived in the US for 12 years. It was in that country where my writing found a voice. I worked as a journalist for six years with over 2500 articles published in newspapers and magazines during that time. In 2005, my first book was published and I have added 10 more since.

I am a member of The Word Guild, Manitoba Writer’s Guild, The Writer’s Collective, and Christian Motorcyclists Association. I have spoken across the US and in Manitoba, Canada for women’s groups and in church services on topics such as The Writing Experience, working in the ministry of Christian Motorcyclists Association, Love, Parenting, Time Management, and a host of others.

I believe in learning and honing my skills so with 11 books to my credit, I have attended several writers conference and a host of workshops. According to my readers, it’s working because they feel that each book is better than the last. This summer, with the release of Silence, the fourth in the Wilton / Strait mystery series, and Road Trip, my fifth devotional, I begin work on a new series. I plan to let some new characters tell their story in Finders Keepers, a series of books, each one solving the mystery of a missing child.

Developing a social media presence, getting published at and adding my books to has kept me busy this year. I’ve also added my books to Amazon’s Kindle collection making them available in Canada, the US, Great Britain, France and Germany.

Wow, Barbara, you’re a busy lady. Thank you for taking time out today.

You can find more about Barbara and her writing via…

Her books can be found at Amazon (Vanished is also available at and her website is where she posts to her blog at least twice a week and has sample pages of all her books available. Past interviews are also posted on the media tab.

The blog interviews will return as normal tomorrow with non-fiction author Charles Shingledecker – the three hundred and sixty-eighth of my blog interviews with novelists, poets, short story authors, biographers, agents, publishers and more. A list of interviewees (blogged and scheduled) can be found here. If you like what you read, please do go and investigate further. And I enjoy hearing from readers of my blog; do either leave a comment on the relevant interview (the interviewees love to hear from you too!) and / or email me.

You can sign up to receive these blog posts daily or weekly so you don’t miss anything… and follow me on Twitter where each new posting is automatically announced. You can also read / download my eBooks and free eShorts at SmashwordsSony Reader StoreBarnes & NobleiTunes BookstoreKobo and Amazon, with more to follow. I have a new forum and you can follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook, like me on Facebook, connect with me on LinkedIn, find me on Tumblr, complete my website’s Contact me page or plain and simple, email me.  I also now have a new blog creation service especially for, but not limited to, writers.

Unfortunately, as I post an interview a day (amongst other things) I can’t review books but I have a feature called ‘Short Story Saturdays’ where I review stories of up to 2,500 words. Alternatively if you have a short story or self-contained novel extract / short chapter (ideally up to 1000 words) that you’d like critiqued and don’t mind me reading it / talking about and critiquing it (I send you the transcription afterwards so you can use the comments or ignore them) 🙂 on my ‘Bailey’s Writing Tips’ podcast, then do email me. They are weekly episodes, usually released Monday mornings UK time, interweaving the recordings between the red pen sessions with the hints & tips episodes. I am now also looking for flash fiction (<1000 words) for Flash Fiction Fridays and poetry for Post-weekend Poetry.

Author Spotlight no.52 – Deborah McCarragher

Complementing my daily blog interviews, today’s Author Spotlight, the fifty-second, is of Deborah McCarragher.

Deborah McCarragher began her journey of creative writing soon after coming to know Jesus as her personal Savior in 1989 and enjoys using her spiritual gifts of encouragement and teaching as she shares her personal testimony with others. Deborah has been a small business owner for over 25 years and formed Alabaster Box Publishing several years ago as a vehicle for producing and promoting her Christian writing projects.  She is a devotional contributor to the e-magazine Ruby for Women and Living Better at 50+, as well as for the print magazine An Encouraging Word.

And now from the author herself:

Writing a Christian non-fiction book for women in a spiritually uneven marriage is not something that I decided to do one day.  It was quite literally born out of an intense time of prayer.  God was speaking to my heart about my marriage, and I was compelled to write down my story for the benefit of others.

When I talk with women about my book, here’s what I ask them during our time together:   Are you tired of attending church alone? Do you yearn for a relationship with your husband that’s spiritually satisfying?   Is living with your unbelieving husband like being on a teeter-totter, up and down, depending upon his moods and your unmet needs?  I’ve got good news: You can influence your home for Christ, even within a spiritually mismatched marriage.

Mission Possible is a unique book in the Christian marketplace.  It addresses a subject that is often overlooked and misunderstood.  It is a candid look at my struggles and quest to reach my husband for Christ.  It applies Scripture and biblical principles to everyday struggles encountered within a spiritually mismatched marriage.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to stand in the gap for your mate’s soul.  Mission Possible is a powerful tool for any woman who is married to a man who does not share her passion for Jesus. It will encourage and challenge the reader to embrace God’s promises for their spouse and future together.

Mission Possible was awarded the Readers Favorite 2010 Gold Seal Best Book for Christian Non-Fiction.

Everyone has at least ONE friend who needs this book! In Mission Possible you will:
— Discover how to believe with radical faith for your spouse’s salvation.
— Learn the secret to “staying the course” while you wait for your promise.
— Find out why many women don’t like to share their “secret sorrow”.
— Overcome your own fears and doubts about your husband’s future with God.
— Join other women in the knowledge that God has a perfect plan of unity for you and your spouse.

“For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy…For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband whether you will save your wife?”   I Corinthians 7:14, 16

You can reach Deborah on Facebook ( and on Twitter (

Visit her website at

She also maintains an inspirational Blog at

Her book is available on her website, as well as Amazon (

The blog interviews will return as normal tomorrow with historical novelist Emma Darwin – the two hundred and seventieth of my blog interviews with novelists, poets, short story authors, biographers, agents, publishers and more. A list of interviewees (blogged and scheduled) can be found here. If you like what you read, please do go and investigate further. And I enjoy hearing from readers of my blog; do either leave a comment on the relevant interview (the interviewees love to hear from you too!) and / or email me. You can read / download my eBooks from Smashwords (Amazon to follow).