Post-weekend Poetry 116: The Lies I Told My Mother by Jade Kennedy

JadeWelcome to Post-weekend Poetry and the one hundred and sixteenth poem in this series. This week’s piece is by poet and short story author Jade Kennedy.
The Lies I Told My Mother

Last Tuesday,
             whilst rummaging,
I found a box of the lies I told my Mother,
                                  one lost summer.
Bright and golden August sunshine
spilled across the wooden floorboards.

White wild flowers sprung up between the cracks.
The smell of orange juice was almost tangible.

The lies laid before me,
            scattered like stars.
Small and innocent, childlike.
The shame that lay beside them,
                              had engulfed and consumed.

I heard my Mother's voice whisper,

'Leave that which scars the spirit to fade beneath the dust'.


I asked Jade what prompted this piece and she said…

I remember when I wrote this I was mulling over thoughts of my childhood and about how things seem larger than life when we are young. The emotions and problems we experience as children are so much more intense and close to the surface and they always seem small and insignificant to us as adults. Some things that affect us in childhood can have a lasting legacy and it’s better to ‘Leave that which scars the spirit to fade beneath the dust’.


Thank you, Jade. It’s great to have you back.

Jade Kennedy is a writer of poetry, prose and micro fiction and lives in East Yorkshire, UK.

She has had her poetry in Poet and Geek, Rain Dogs, Eclectic Eel issues 1,2&3, Ether Books, Brevity Poetry Review, and included in the poetry anthology, ‘The Universe Inside’.

She writes a blog – ‘Borrowed Expressions’ at


If you’d like to submit your poem (60 lines max) for consideration for Post-weekend Poetry take a look here.

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