Be a guest on this website

If you have a book you’d like to promote (yours or if you’re arranging a blog tour for an author), for free, take a look at Saturday Spotlights. Please note that the spotlight is more about you as an author rather than the book itself, i.e. the readers of this site learning about you and being inspired to buy your book rather than a ‘hard’ sell. There are links to previous spotlights on the Saturday Spotlights page so please read at least one of those so you know the format. Thank you!

6 thoughts on “Be a guest on this website

  1. Jacqueline Lambert @WorldWideWalkies says:

    I would love to have another Saturday Spotlight. My new book is different from my previous series, which were travelogues. My latest is about the trials and tribulations of building an off grid Grand Design on wheels! 🙂

    Let me know when – I don’t want to take up someone who hasn’t appeared’s space! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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