Post-weekend Poetry 109: Two love-themed poems by Maria Jordan

1. MariaWelcome to Post-weekend Poetry and the one hundred and ninth poem in this series. This week sees the return of children’s book author and poet Maria Jordan.   Maria’s ‘Kylie Meets Iris’ (from ‘Kylie’s Blossoms’) includes a section where Kylie and Teddy celebrate Valentine’s Day with a brand new adventure. In February Kylie learns the meaning of true love, constancy and reliance from her new friend, Iris

Happy Valentine’s Day

Night after night, sight of starlight,
Momma combed her hair, while Kylie said a prayer:
“From heaven above, send us your love.
Guide us by day, show us the way.”
“Sleep well, Kylie dear, with Teddy right here.
A kiss will you get, there all set!”
‘Twasn’t long counting sheep, little girl fast asleep.
Dreams were sweet, and dandy, of Valentine hearts and candy.


Love is a Gift

This February sunrise, brought contented sighs,
Batter so sweet, for a fine dessert treat.
Cinnamon hearts, red frosting swirl, such a lucky little girl!
“Go for a walk, with Teddy talk.
When you come home, after you roam,
Dad, you and me, all together will be,
To dine on beef stew, pretty cupcake for you!
To dance and to sing, as true love does bring.”


And in case you missed it last month…

Hello, Iris

So upon this sunny hour, off to the forest to meet a flower,
Happened on a purple field, many smiles did this yield.
“My name is Iris, much joy and bliss,
Called a ‘flag’, not meant to brag,
Colors like a rainbow, I put on a show!
Constant and reliable, pretty on the table.”
“With Teddy, let’s go, to Momma we’ll show,
From heaven this sign, true love, be mine.”


I asked Maria what prompted these poems and she said…

2. Kylie meets IrisThis poetry is part of a series of twelve adventures of a seven-year-old little girl, Kylie, and her cuddly sidekick, Teddy.   Every month of the year, the two meet a new floral friend in the woods and learn a different life lesson.

‘Kylie’s Blossoms’, written by Maria Jordan and illustrated by Michael Friedman, was inspired by the author’s great niece, Kylie Samantha and dedicated to her beloved Mother, Miss Sammie.  This book, for children of all ages, is available in both hard copy and eBook format on

They were charming. Thank you, Maria.


3. KyliecoverMaria Jordan is also an author of short stories, poetry and inspirational works.  As a nurse for thirty years, she incorporates wellness and holistic principles in her writing.

In addition to ‘Kylie’s Blossoms’, a wide selection of Maria’s work has been published as eBooks available on including:  ‘Legacy of a Mother’; ‘Thoughts on Survival’ and ‘Poetic Pearls of Wisdom’.

Her website at marcoujor’s musings focuses on the universal need for life balance and self – care with such pages as:  Inspiration Station; Compassion Corner and Poetic Ponderings.

Maria resides in south-eastern Pennsylvania, USA with her husband and precious 10-year-old Labrador Retriever.


If you’d like to submit your poem (60 lines max) for consideration for Post-weekend Poetry take a look here or a poem for critique on the Online Poetry Writing Group (link below).

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17 thoughts on “Post-weekend Poetry 109: Two love-themed poems by Maria Jordan

  1. Maria Jordan says:

    Dear Morgen,
    How very cool to see Kylie just in time for Valentine’s Day…thank you ever so much for sharing this, much appreciated.
    I will look forward to visiting Harliqueen, Sophie E Tallis, paulaacton, Jane Risdon and Sue Vincent’s blogs and appreciate their support.
    It was also most kind of Debra Borys and Deb Donahue to tweet thisas well.
    Hoping you all have a lovely week, Maria


  2. Mike says:

    Hello Morgen and Maria, I see you two have again teamed up to share a nice piece of poetry meant to share the joy of a childhood shared by a Teddy Bear and his petite owner.


    • Maria Jordan says:

      Hi Linda,
      It’s so nice to meet you and thanks for your kind feedback. I was enchanted by your story telling abilities, as I read about little Snickers (RIP…LOL) and wish you and yours a lovely day! Maria


      • Linda Vernon says:

        Poor little Snickers! I guess that’s just the way it goes sometimes for the rough and tumble life of a little tiny rodent! Oh our hamsters, how they make us laugh and cry! 😀


  3. MartieCoetser says:

    Dear Morgen, seeing my dear friend Maria’s charming poems in this awesome site of yours makes me proud and happy. My grandchildren love to read Kylie’s Blossoms, and they surprised me by noticing the perfect harmony between poems and illustrations. The literary and educational value of Kylie’s Blossoms should be brought under the attention of departments of education.


  4. Gail Sobotkin says:

    What a beautiful post just in time for Valentine’s Day. I am a big fan of Maria Jordan’s writing and this particular Kylie’s Blossoms poem is a favorite. So good to see Maria’s lovely book highlighted again.


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