Word Count Wednesday: 12th June 2024

Good morning. Welcome to Word Count Wednesday. How have you been getting on?

Having had a lovely week away, I’ve been catching up with admin so no writing this week. The coming week will be client editing so likely little writing, especially as it’s Father’s Day here in the UK this coming Sunday so it’ll be a family weekend.

Do leave a comment below to share your progress, successes and otherwise, and of course anything else that’s happened to you, writing related, over the past seven days.

2 thoughts on “Word Count Wednesday: 12th June 2024

  1. Jacqueline Lambert @WorldWideWalkies says:

    I’m pleased to say I’ve laid down some words this week!

    A number of disconcerting yet entertaining events on our latest trip in Estonia led me to get a blog written. https://worldwidewalkies.blog/2024/06/12/guns-bulls-balls-lampreys/

    I’ve almost completed the answers for an author interview for Rita Lee Chapman’s blog. which I hope will help with publicity on another continent (Australia).

    And I’m way behind with my reviews, so I have written and shared three book reviews this week, for Mike Carden’s ‘Full English’, Mary Stansfield Hollander’s ‘Monkeys on the Road’, and Sverrir Sigurdson’s ‘Viking Voyager’, all of which you will find on Amazon, Goodreads, and BookBub if the book is listed there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • morgenbailey says:

      That’s great. Congrats. It always feels good to get something down, doesn’t it. Part of my master plan is to guest on more author interviews (my last one was months ago). Having been a host for several years, I know how much time they take so I appreciate anyone who hosts.
      I can’t remember the last time I read a novel for pleasure. I always have my editor’s hat on so pick up too much so stop. Short stories, always my first love, is another matter.

      Liked by 1 person

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