9 thoughts on “Guest post: Creating food systems in a fantasy world by Rae Z Ryans

  1. Della Bercovitch says:

    Hello Morgen,

    On behalf of Rae Z. Ryans and Book Marketing Services, I would like to thank you for hosting Rae today on MorgEn Bailey’s Writing Blog. She is honoured to be here today. If anyone has any questions and/or comments they would like to share with Rae, please leave them in the comment box. She will be by later in the day to respond.

    Rae is the winner of Book Marketing Services’ giveaway and she is having a giveaway of her own on her tour. Remember to enter for an opportunity to win. 1st prize: $20 Amazon Gift Card; 2nd prize: A “Rae Z. Ryans” Bookmark.

    Please join Rae tomorrow, Wednesday, December 4th, when she will be Strand’s Simply Tips guest and will discuss “What Makes a Good Dragon” http://strandssimplytips.blogspot.ca/.


  2. Yvonne Hertzberger says:

    Including references to food and drink adds colour, taste and authenticity to the worlds we create in our writing. I, too, add those, especially teas such as sage, white pine needle and raspberry leaf, in my fantasy world. I never included a recipe, though. This on looks good.


    • Rae Ryans says:

      I agree and when we craft fantasy we need to root our readers with what they know. Food is but one aspect, but it covers such lovely senses. I never thought about using herbs and that’s a splendid idea. Although I’ve not heard of white pine needle tea before and just looked that one up. I hadn’t realized the Native American’s used (possibly still do) as a healing tea.


      • Yvonne Hertzberger says:

        Yes, I made white pine needle tea the favourite of my protagonist in the last two books of my trilogy. I’m told it is full of vitamin C and so wonderful in winter hen fruit is scarce. It was used to fend off scurvy. That’s the part of research I love.


  3. Rae Z. Ryans says:

    My reply button disappeared 😦
    I love research and learning new pieces of history. When it became time to declare a major, I almost chose to study ancient history over English. If I ever find time to go back to school, I’d take history courses and relish in the learning of the past.

    For the next installment (Contention and Mayhem), I had a fun time with food from the crusades, but also had to learn how they kept the men supplied. Soldiers kept to the coast lines and ships filled with provisions followed them. The men were never more than a day or two away, but imagine how easy it could have been to destroy an army simply by taking out those ships.

    What genre do you write, if you don’t mind me asking?


    • Yvonne Hertzberger says:

      Hi Rae: I write what is best termed ‘magical realism’ or fantasy. Fantasy because it isn’t in a ‘real socieyy’. Magical realism because of the low level paranormal that could almost be real and in some societies would be. Early medieval period. Take a look at my site to read some sneak peeks. http://newfantasyauthor.com Thanks for asking. 🙂


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