Word Count Wednesday: 22nd May 2024

Good morning. Welcome to Word Count Wednesday. How have you been getting on?

Having tried to have Wednesdays as my writing day, that lasted a week due to other commitments.

So, taking advantage of an almost-week between editing projects, I came up with the plan to find short story opportunities and endeavour to write one piece for each of them every day. I spent a chunk of Sunday doing the research so I was ready for Monday.

This could mean writing up to a couple of thousand stories each weekday but I do write quickly, providing my brain keeps whirring.

That was the plan but with being away next week, there were other things that needed doing so I’ve put the writing on the back burner for our holiday when I’ll be writing while T reads. He reads a lot so I have high hopes.  I will ensure that I have outlets, deadlines and themes ready before the end of the week so I have no excuse but to ‘write to market’.

Do leave a comment below to share your progress, successes and otherwise, and of course anything else that’s happened to you, writing related, over the past seven days.

2 thoughts on “Word Count Wednesday: 22nd May 2024

  1. Kate in Cornwall says:

    Hello Morgen,

    Very pleased to say, I’ve written two more 50-word pieces for the competition. I just need to think up titles and then I’ll submit them. Easier said than done but good fun!

    have a great holiday,


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